VNU University of Science is a research-oriented university in Vietnam, ranked among the nation’s leading science and technology universities. Our commitment is to set high academic standards and provide the best learning environment for students. The university offers thirty-seven undergraduate programs, forty-five master programs and forty-eight doctoral programs, based on a credit training system. Currently, VNU University of Science students number almost 10,000, led by over 680 faculty and staff (FTE). Enrolled graduate students account for nearly half the number of full-time students enrolling for every academic year.

At VNU University of Science, both undergraduate and graduate education are focused on the development of a deep and comprehensive professional knowledge, offering students opportunities to learn in the classrooms as well as in laboratories and practical research settings.
In support of its focus on innovative higher education, and goals of regional integration and achieving international standards, the university has implemented a special project sponsored by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). By partnering with schools among the world’s top 100 Universities, VNU University of Science is offering six advanced undergraduate programs:
- Advanced program in Chemistry with UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, USA (since 2006)
- Advanced program in Mathematics with UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Seattle, Washington, USA (since 2008)
- Advanced Program in Environmental Science with INDIANA UNIVERSITY, Bloomington, Indiana, USA (since 2010)
- Advanced Program in Physics with BROWN UNIVERSITY, Providence, Rhode Island, USA (since 2009)
- Advanced Program in Biology with TUFTS UNIVERSITY, Medford, Massachusetts, USA (since 2009)
- Advanced Program in Geology with UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, Illinois, USA (since 2009)
Three master’s degree and doctoral degree programs also support this mission:
- Organic Chemistry with UNIVERSITY OF RENNES I, Rennes, France
- Nuclear Physics with UNIVERSITY OF BORDEAUX I, Bordeaux, France
- Environmental Engineering with KITAKYUSHU UNIVERSITY, Kitakyushu, Japan (Project 911)
Respected precursors of this project, the following graduate programs have ended after successful partnerships:
- Master and Doctoral Training Program with University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany;
- Master and Doctoral Training Program in Nano Science and Technology with Japan Advanced Institution of Science and Technology (JAIST), Nomi, Ishikawa, Japan;
- Master and Doctoral Training Program in Environmental Science and Technology with Gwangju Institution of Science and Technology (GIST), Honam, South Korea;
- Master Program in Polluted Areas Treatment and Waste Management with Dresden Technological University (TU Dresden), Dresden, Germany;
- Master Program in Organic Chemical Materials with University of the South, Toulon-Var, Toulon-Var, France;
- Master Program in Land Administration with University of Twente, Enschede , Netherlands.
A major element in the success of VNU University of Science is its High School for Gifted Students (HSGS). This premier high school, the first of its kind in the country, upholds its traditional academic quality and its record as the top prize-winner in national and international Olympiads in mathematics, informatics, physics, chemistry and biology. Many HSGS graduates have been granted scholarships from prestigious universities throughout the world, and some illustrious alumni now include Ngo Bao Chau, mathematician at the University of Chicago (Fields Medal 2010), Dam Thanh Son, physician at the University of Chicago, and Ngo Dac Tuan, mathematician at the University of Paris 6.