Staff: 676
(Full Time Equivalent)
- 44.5 percent of disciplinary faculty staff are Professors & Associate Professors.
- 97.1 percent of disciplinary faculty staff hold PhD degrees.
- 61.5 percent of disciplinary faculty staff have PhD degrees before 45 years old
- 50.6 percent of scientific staff have PhD degrees before 45 years old
- 36.6 percent of Professors & Assoc. Professors/ scientific staff
- Undergraduate students: 4120
- Graduate students: 827
- PhD Students: 271
- High school gifted students: 1632
- The number of students training in the special programs designed as the Strategic Missions:
- Advanced Programs: 219
- Honor Programs: 218
- Talented Program: 163
- International Standard Programs: 197
- The number of international students is 48 students:
- 30 BSc. students
- 15 Master students
- 03 PhD. students
- Number of international and national peer-reviewed journal articles: 700 annually
- Number of research and projects in Academic year 2018-2019: 209
- The University has three main sources of funds for its operations, which are in the following proportions.
- State fund: 40 percent
- Research grants: 40 percent
- Tuition and fees: 20 percent
- The total cost of the unit increased compared to the previous year on average 8% per year
- Annual non-business revenues: 91.168 million VND
- Revenue from service activities in the year: 34.396 million VND
- Annual funding source: 6.923 million VND
Campuses: 3 campuses
- Main campus: 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
- Second campus: 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi
- Third campus: Me Tri, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
The figures above are rounded numbers
334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi
Me Tri, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi