- VNU University of Science Trade Union
President: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Hoang Lien, email: nguyenthihoanglien@hus.edu.vn, nguyenthihoanglien@vnu.edu.vn
- VNU University of Science Youth Union
Secretary-General: Dr. Nguyen Dinh Nam, email: dinhnamt2@yahoo.com
- VNU University of Science Students’ Union
President: Mr. Giap Van Minh, email: giapvanminh_t63@hus.edu.vn
- VNU University of Science Veterans Association
President: Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Huu Nhan, email: nhannh@vnu.edu.vn
- VNU University of Science Retired Faculty Association
President: Assoc. Prof. Tran Huy Ho