I. Main laws, rules and regulation for scientific projects, ethics in research and Intellectual Property:
- Science and Technology Law, Law No. 29/2013/QH13 (in Vietnamese).
- The 2005 Intellectual Property Law and its amendment in 2009 (in Vietnamese).
- Regulations on management of Science and Technology activities in VNU issued with Decision No. 286/QĐ-ĐHQGHN on 01/16/2015 by VNU-Hanoi President (in Vietnamese).
- Instruction No. 1206 /HD-ĐBCLGD on 4/23/2013 regarding the criteria for research universities (in Vietnamese).
- Instruction on the establishment and development of strong research groups in VNU-HUS issued with Decision No. 262/QĐ-KHTN on 02/02/2015 by VNU-HUS Rector (in Vietnamese)
- Instruction on the selection, organization of implementation and evaluation of scientific research projects at university level issued with Decision No. 5104/QĐ-ĐHKHTN on 12/08/2014 by VNU-HUS Rector (in Vietnamese).
- Instruction No. 1658/HD-KHCN-KHTC on 04/06/2010 regarding to the construction and implementation of investment projects in Vietnam National University, Hanoi (in Vietnamese).
- Dispatch No. 124/ĐHQGHN-KHCN on 01/12/2011 of VNU-Hanoi on the temporary instruction on the development of intellectual property activities at VNU-Hanoi (in Vietnamese).
- Regulations on the management of science and technology mission at VNU-Hanoi issued with Decision No. 3839 /QĐ-ĐHQGHN on 24/10/2014 by VNU-Hanoi President (in Vietnamese).
- Regulations on science and technology awards of VNU-Hanoi issued with Decision No. 3493/QĐ-ĐHQGHN on 10/03/2014 by VNU-Hanoi President (in Vietnamese).
- Decision 4616/QĐ-ĐHQGHN of VNU Hanoi on the regulations of the management of international cooperation activities of VNU Hanoi on 12/08/2014 (in Vietnamese).
- Decision No. 5104/QD-DHKHTN dated 12.08.2013 issued Guidance Regarding the selection, implementation and acceptance of scientific research projects at basic level (in Vietnamese).
- Dispatch No. 2865/KHTN-KHCN on 05/05/2016 of VNU-HUS on Comments on the draft guidelines for research ethics in VNU-HUS (in Vietnamese).
- Decision No. 5405/QĐ-KHTN on 12/30/2015 on the support for intellectual property registrations (in Vietnamese).
II. Main rules and regulation for management of scientific equipments and Laboratory Safety:
- Instruction 2184/HD-KHCN on 07/23/2010 regarding Temporary instruction on management of laboratories and instruments of VNU-HUS (in Vietnamese).
- Dispatch No. 1036/QĐ-ĐHQGHN on 4/15/2016 on the approval and issuance of master plan for laboratory system at VNU-Hanoi (in Vietnamese).
- Handbook for Laboratory Safety in research at VNU-HUS (in Vietnamese).
III. Related documents
- Law No. 08/2012/QH13- University education Law (in Vietnamese).
- VNU-HUS development strategies for Science and Technology of towards 2020 (in Vietnamese).
- Decisions on the support for international publications and dispatch on the change of support form for international publications (in Vietnamese).
- Draft of regulations on working mode of lecturers and researchers in VNU-HUS (in Vietnamese).
- Decision No. 3773/QĐ-ĐHKHTN on 11/01/2016 regarding regulations on entitlements and policies for civil servants, officials and workers studying and working abroad (in Vietnamese).