

1.                  Name: Research Center for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling
2.                  Abbreviation: CEMM
3.                  Address: Building T2, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
4.                  Transaction Headquarters: Specialized Building, 332 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
5.                  Phone: 02438587285
6.                  Email: cemm@hus.edu.vn
7.                  Director: Dr. Dương Ngọc Bách
8.                  Scientific and Technological Activity Registration Number: A-222, issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology on March 29, 2004
9.                  Tax Code: 0104277239

The Research Center for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling (CEMM), under the VNU University of Science, was established on December 24, 2003, according to Decision No. 970/TCCB issued by the Director of Vietnam National University.

The Center is a legal entity, operates independently in accounting, and holds a bank account. Its operational scope extends across regional countries and throughout Vietnam. 


·         To become a core and specialized training unit focused on applied GIS research and environmental modeling.
·         To maintain and develop into a strong research unit in the field of GIS and environmental modeling to meet the demands of leading research universities in Vietnam.

Functions and Duties:

·         Research and implement projects and topics in the field of Environmental Monitoring and Modeling to support tasks such as control, management, status assessment, impact assessment, planning, and pollution forecasting.
·         Organize surveys, analyze and process data, apply remote sensing tools, GIS, and information technology to build environmental databases for research and teaching in the environmental field.
·         Carry out training, consultancy, and technology transfer tasks in greenhouse gas inventory, remote sensing, GIS, and environmental modeling.

Leadership over the periods:

·         2003 – 2008: Director: Prof. Dr. Phạm Ngọc Hồ
·         2009 – 2010: Director: Prof. Dr. Phạm Ngọc Hồ
   Deputy Director: MSc. Dương Ngọc Bách
·         2010 – 2015: Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoàng Xuân Cơ
   Deputy Director: MSc. Dương Ngọc Bách
·         2015 – 2018: Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Xuân Hải
   Deputy Director: MSc. Dương Ngọc Bách
·         2018 – 2022: Deputy Director in charge: Dr. Dương Ngọc Bách
·         2022 – present: Director: Dr. Dương Ngọc Bách
   Deputy Director: Dr. Nguyễn Việt Hoài

The Research Center for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling has a staff of faculty members and collaborators, including lecturers and scientists from the Vietnam National University and various universities and research institutes in Hanoi.

Areas of Operation:
Scientific and Technological Activities:

·         Conduct basic and applied research in the environmental field.
·         Research and implement domestic and international projects and topics in environmental monitoring and modeling to support control, management, status assessment, impact assessment, planning, and forecasting environmental pollution.
·         Survey, investigate, and design monitoring stations and environmental monitoring networks; analyze and process data; apply remote sensing, GIS, and IT tools to build databases and create environmental status and planning maps.
·         Improve, build, and transfer environmental modeling software and other specialized software for forecasting, planning, and environmental management.
·         Provide consultancy and technology transfer in the field of environmental monitoring and modeling.
·         Environmental consulting: Environmental impact assessment reports; Environmental permits; Environmental registrations; Permits for surface and groundwater extraction; Model validation; Greenhouse gas inventories; Greenhouse gas emission reduction reports, etc.

Training Activities:

·         Collaborates in training programs in the field of environmental modeling (bachelor’s degree).
·         Partners with universities and domestic and international organizations to develop postgraduate training projects in GIS, remote sensing, and environmental modeling.
·         Short-term training and workshops in the field of emission inventory, greenhouse gas emission reduction, climate change adaptation, GIS tool application, and mathematical modeling to support environmental control, management, and sustainable development.

Center for Environmental Monitoring and Modeling
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