1. Directors: Prof. Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan
2. Place: T2 Building, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
3. Fields: Environmental Geology
4. Research orientations:
4.1. Assessment and forecast environmental and climate change: impacts, vulnerability and proactive response:
- Reconstructing paleoclimate and paleoenvironment;
- Assessing, forecasting and modeling impacts, vulnerability of environmental and climate change;
- Proposing solutions for proactive response to environmental and climate change;
- Building smart response models to environmental and climate change for urban and rural and other areas;
- Providing consultant services in climate change mitigation, adaptation
4.2. Wise use of natural resources and sustainable development:
- Building indices, maps and plans, solutions for sustainable allocations and utilization of natural resources and environment;
- Providing development plans and consultant services for national and provincial governments towards sustainable development
4.3. Geoecology and Geoenvironmental technology:
- Proposing solutions for sustainable use of natural ecosystems;
- Enhancing human health based on geoecological conditions;
- Developing and applying geoenvironmental technologies for environmental remediation;
- Providing consultant services in geoecology and geoenvironmental technologies
5. Decision of VNU (in Vietnamese)