1. Professor Bernd Bilitewski

Professor Bernd Bilistewski is a former Head of Institute of Waste Management and Contaminated Site Treatment, Technical University of Dresden, Germany.
He was born on September 1st, 1946 at Wittenberge, Germany.
Professor Bernd Bilitewski obtained his Engineering Doctorate in Environmental Technology at Berlin University of Technology (TU Berlin) in 1980. In 1992, he was granted the title of professor of Environmental Technology in TU Dresden. At the premises, he was the head of the newly established Institute of Waste Management and Remediation.
Bernd Bilitewski is accredited for his contribution to the cooperation network of HUS and his help in the training and research of Chemistry Faculty of HUS in 1996. In 2005, funded by DAAD, he and the scientists of HUS established a joint Master program between HUS and TU Dresden on “Waste management and Contaminated Site Treatment”. Up until that moment, this major had never been trained in Vietnam. Together with Hans Wiesmeth, they developed another master course named “INVENT Integrated Waste Management”. This course trained more than 400 students in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Can Tho.
In addition, Bernd Bilitewski convened a series of workshops annually on Waste management, which attracted huge attendance of many scientists all around the world, and carried out a myriad of projects funded by Asia-link, Euro-Asia University Network, European Union, and BMBF, namely: Integration of Solid waste management Tools into specific settings of European and Asian Communities (ISTEAC); Bioremediation of oil spills in Vietnam; study on water pollution of Hoan Kiem Lake.
In appreciation of his achievement in science and his dedication to the development of VNU University of Science, on July 23rd, 2007, the President of VNU, Hanoi signed Decision 2668/CT-HSSV on conferring an Honorary Doctorate on Prof. Bernd Bilitewski.
2. Professor Peter Werner

Professor Peter Werner was born on October 17th, 1948 in Limbach/Vogtland, Germany.
In 1979, he obtained his doctorate in the field of “Microbiology of activated carbon filtration” at the University of Saarbrücken.
From 1984 to 1994, he held a lectureship in “Water chemistry for Biologists” at the University of Karlsruhe.
In 1994, he was a professor for “Contaminated sites” at TU Dresden.
He was one of the founders of the Institute for Waste Management and Contaminated Sites (IAA) at the TU Dresden and became the first Head of the institute.
From 1995 to 2004, he remained the Director of IAA.
He is a former Dean of Faculty of Forestry, Geo- and Hydro sciences at TU Dresden. Also, he used to be a visiting professor at many famous institutions of Germany, USA, France, Canada, Israel.
Other than being a professor, Perter Werner was an environmental consultant of the government of Germany and for EU as well. In his lifetime, he authored more than 30 books, published more than 250 articles, successfully mentored 50 postgraduates and many graduate students. A few Vietnamese students stood among them.
In the early 2000, he spent a lot of effort to help Vietnam in high quality training and education. In the role of an environmental consultant of both EU and the government of Germany, he proposed and participated in the approval of 16 joint projects in training and research between Vietnam and Germany with the fund from Germany reached tens of million US dollar.
Together with Prof. Bernd Bilistewski, they conducted successfully “Master program in Waste management and Contaminated Sites treatment 2004-2007” in VNU-HUS.
In 2008, he and the Faculty of Chemistry of VNU-HUS carried out a project in the field of clean energy and opened a master program in alternative energy.
A great number of projects in research and technology transfer was successfully launched with the help of Prof. Peter Werner at VNU-HUS, namely: “Environment protection and sustainable development of Tien Son – Bac Ninh industrial park 2002-2004”; “Hoan Kiem Lake examination and assessment 2005”; “Reserving, Renovating, and Sustaining Hoan Kiem Lake 2007-2009"; “Sludge suction technology of Germany for reservation and sustainable development of Hoan Kiem Lake”; “Renovation and sustainably developing Hoan Kiem Lake” in 2012.
Vietnam National University highly appreciated Prof. Peter Werner’s contribution and effort in the cooperation, training, research, and technology transfer between VNU and TU Dresden, which are greatly valuable to the course to become a research university at the international level of VNU. On January 1st, 2009, the President of VNU signed the decision on conferring an honorary doctorate on Prof. Peter Werner.
3. Professor Jean-Louis Vernet

On September 27th, 2010, the President of Vietnam National University issued Decision No. 2760 on presenting an honorary doctorate to Prof. Jean-Louis Vernet, the honor president of Toulon – Var University, a prestigious educator and scientist of France.
He supported a range of joint programs in the field of science and high-quality human resource of Vietnam.
In 1995, on the proposal from both University of the South, Toulon – Var and Vernet, Francophonie University Association - AUF opened a bachelor program in Chemistry and Physics, which were taught in French, at VNU University of Science.
Prof. Jean-Louis Vernet was considered as the father and the nuclear of many training programs at the faculty of Chemistry such as: Master program in “Nanostructured Material and Its Applications”, Double degrees Bachelor program between VNU University of Science and University of South, Toulon – Var, and International Standard Program in Chemistry.
4. Professor Karl Ulrich Rudolph

Professor Karl Ulrich Rudolph is the general director of IEEM gGmbH (Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management at the Private University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany).
He obtained his doctorate in civil engineering and water sanitation at TU Darmstadt.
In 1985, he was a professor at Witten University, Germany.
Since 2009, he has been the Coordinator of the UNW-DPC working group on "Capacity Building in Water Efficiency".
In 2011, he was mandated as Supervisory Manager the "Office for Water and Sustainability" through BMBF (the German Ministry of Education and Research) and MOST (the Vietnamese Ministry of Science and Technology).
Prof. KU Rudolph paid great interest in the training of master students and research in the field of water and water management at VNU University of Science. He was a visiting professor at VNU University of Science for 10 years. Dozens of Vietnamese students had the opportunity to attend lecture taught by him and his team.
In term of cooperation, he initiated and conducted a range of projects in the field of water and water management in Vietnam. Particularly “Integrated wastewater concept for industrial zones” - AKIZ with the total investment of 10 million EUR is operated from 2010 to 2016. Following the success of AKIZ, IEEM and Vietnamese partners start another project called TAKIZ (2018 – 2019) to introduce the technologies and methods of AKIZ to Central Vietnam and Mekong River Delta.
In March 2012, in recognition of his dedication and effort to Vietnam education, he was awarded the Honorary Doctorate from Vietnam National University.
5. Professor Peter Langer

Professor Peter Langer was born on February 20th, 1969, at Hannover, Germany.
He earned his doctorate at Hannover University in 1997 and his doctor of habilitation at Gottingen University in 2001.
He is largely recognized in the field of organic chemistry in Germany as well as in Europe with more than 670 published articles. He supervised more than 90 doctors and 70 masters’ at Germany and advised more than 150 research students.
Peter still works on numerous projects with Vietnamese scientists, such as: Rohan Catalysis SDG, Chemistry Journal of Vietnam editorial board (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology).
He received various honors and titles, including an honorary doctorate from Yerevan State University, Republic of Armenia, an honorary doctorate from Mosul University of Iraq.
He invested more than 3 million Euro in education at developing countries, including Vietnam. Peter spent great effort on high quality research and postgraduate programs in VNU University of Science. More than 50 scientific articles were published under his name and VNU University of Science research students.
In appreciation of his dedication to the development of science and education in Vietnam, particularly in VNU University of Science, VNU, Hanoi was privileged to confer on Professor Peter Langer an honorary doctorate.
6. Professor Toshihide Maskawa

University of Nagoya
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008.
Born: 7 February 1940, Nagoya, Japan.
1967: receiving a PhD from Nagoya University.
1990-1997: Professor at Kyoto University.
Since 2010: Director of Maskawa Institute, Kyoto Sangyo University; Director of Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University; a member of The Japan Academy; an Honorary Doctor of Kyoto University.
Toshihide Maskawa (born February 7, 1940 in Nagoya, Japan) is a Japanese theoretical physicist known for his work on CP-violation who was awarded one quarter of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.”
He was an enthusiastic advocate to the academic exchange between VNU University of Science and Nagoya University, and the inspiration for the younger generation of Vietnamese scientists, who follow the path of basic sciences, to reach new heights.
On the 40th anniversary of Vietnam – Japan diplomatic relationship, to honor the contributions of Prof. Toshihide Maskawa, Vietnam National University awarded him an Honorary Doctorate in November 2013.
At the conferring ceremony, Prof. Maskawa expressed his gratitude toward the warm hospitality of the staff and students at VNU University of Science. “I am greatly honored by standing here in Vietnam – the country I have long admired, for its resolve to independence and its success in development.”
7. Professor Lionel Schwartz

Distinguished Professor of Paris 13 University; Member of the Mathematic Society of France.
Professor Lionel Schwartz was born on May 7th, 1953.
- 1972 – 1976 He enrolled in l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, one of the most selective and prestigious graduate schools in Paris, France.
- 1977 He received his doctorate in Mathematic at Paris 7 University.
- 1983 He earned his doctorate “doctorat d’Etat” (habilitation) at Paris 7 University.
He is among the most celebrated topologist of France. Together with Professor Jean Lannes, they have led the field of topology of France to its great success in recent decades.
He is a member of the editorial team of various mathematic journals, for instances: Manuscripta Mathematica, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Acta Math, Vietnam.
He represented Formath – Vietnam Fund from 2000 to 2010. Since 2011, he has been appointed as the director of LIA Formath Vietnam.
Professor Lionel Schwartz is a mathematician and an activist who support Vietnam – France cooperation with enthusiasm. For years, he has taken part in a range of projects with Vietnamese mathematicians and contributed immensely to the field of topology of Vietnam.
Thanks to his guidance, a number of Vietnamese PhD students successfully graduated. Among them are Dr. Tran Ngoc Nam, graduated in 2006 at VNU; Dr. Dang Ho Hai, graduated in 2010 at Paris 13 University. In 2004, he was the advisor of Dr. Habil. Pham Minh Anh, who graduated from Paris 13 University.
Lionel Schwartz participated and contributed to dozens of mathematic conferences in Vietnam, namely: The 3rd East Asia Conference on Algebraic Topology, Vietnam – France Mathematic Conference on August 2012, Algebraic Topology seminar at Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study for Mathematic, ...
To honor the work and effort which Lionel Schwartz has dedicated to the development of VNU University of Science and particularly to the field of mathematic of Vietnam, VNU University of Science awarded him an honorary doctorate on April 21st, 2015.
8. Professor Yasuaki Maeda

Professor Yasuaki Maeda was born on September 14th, 1941 at Japan. He is among the leading scientists in Environmental Chemistry and Sonochemistry.
1964: Bachelor’s in applied chemistry, Waseda University, Japan.
1966: Master of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University.
1966-1970: Research student at Tokyo Technological University.
1991 – 2005: Professor at Osaka Prefecture University.
2004 – 2008: Expert at JICA Vietnam Office, Vietnam
Since 2005: Emeritus Professor in OPU, VNU-Hanoi, VNU-HCMC
Professor Yasuaki Maeda is the author of 8 books and more than 250 scientific research papers, successfully guided 30 PhD Students and numerous Master students, among whom were 16 PhD students and 3 Master students from Vietnam.
Since 1993, he has worked tirelessly to protect the environment of Vietnam and supported Vietnamese experts in developing a 10-year action plan for improving environmental monitoring and raising people’s awareness of environmental protection in big cities of Vietnam. He contributed greatly and efficiently to the training and research of VNU University of Science in particular, and of VNU Hanoi in general.
In 2009, Maeda held lectures on environmental sciences for students from the Advanced Program in Chemistry at Faculty of Chemistry, VNU University of Science. He also participated in various projects conducted at VNU University of Science, including technology transfer on a national scale, high quality training programs, national and international conferences.
He teamed up with scientists from VNU University of Science in various projects, among them were “Improving cultivation techniques for planting vernicia montana at Lao Cai”; “Multi-beneficial measure for the mitigation of climate change in Vietnam and Indochina countries by development of biomass energy”; “Developing low emission technology used in production of biodiesel from fish-oil by-products in Vietnam”; “Joint research between key universities in ‘Science and Environmental Technology for the Earth’.”
In appreciation for his devotion to VNU University of Science and Vietnam, in September 2016, Vietnam National University was proud to confer on him an honorary doctor degree.
9. Professor Harold W. Kroto

Late professor Harold. W. Kroto is a professor at Floria State University, America.
He started his academic career at Sussex University of Brighton in 1967, where he was appointed as a professor in 1985 and a Royal Social Professor in 1991. He obtained his doctorate in Chemistry at Sheffield University. He was awarded the Nobel prize in Chemistry in 1996 for the discovery of a carbon compound called fullerenes and a new carbon compound: Buckminsterfullerene (C60). Being the third stable derivation of carbon, C60 is a intertwined ball composed of 20 hexagons and 12 whose shape is similar to a football.
Beside his Nobel prize, professor Harold W. Kroto was decorated with various awards, notably: International Award in New Material by Association of Physics of America 1992; Innovation Award in Chemistry 1992; Longstaff Medal by Royal Chemist Association; European Physic Award Hewlett Packard (1994); Copley Medal 2004 and Faraday Award 2001; Italgas Award in Innovations in Chemistry…
Professor Kroto was knighted in 1996 for his dedication to chemistry. He was also a member of: Royal Association of London, Oversea Association of American Academy of Science. He is the director of Royal Association of Chemistry of United Kingdom from 2002 to 2004. In 1995, he co-founded Vega Science Trust – a charity fund for education of the UK. He was conferred on 37 honorary doctorates from many universities worldwide.
He joined Florida University in 2004 and was granted the title Francis Eppes Professorship in faculty of Chemistry, Florida State University, where he focused his research on nano technology and nano science. Before this, he lectured and conducted his research at Sussex University in the UK for 37 years.
In recognition of his reputation, as well as his influence in science and technology, education and training in VNU University of Science, and in Vietnam at large, the university awarded Professor Harold a honorary doctorate on January 1st, 2013.
At the ceremony, he talked about “Education – the foundation of peace and key to enlighten global community”. In his speech, he mentioned the basic approach in basic science and invention. He shared his hope that the staff and students at the university would follow in the footsteps of their processors and reach new heights. On the reason why he chose chemistry to study, he shared: “At my young age, I was good at chemistry and art. After graduating high school in 1950, I felt the employment chance of being a chemist is much bigger than being an artist. Hence, my initial thought was to land a good job. I have never done this for prize A or B. What I am trying to emphasize here is most scientists never thought of how their invention is going to be used in daily life. That can be confirmed through the history of inventions.”
He also talked about the issue that the vast majority of scientists are facing, which will challenge scientists of the next generation as well. “People are misunderstanding science.” He stated. According to Harold, science is not just knowledge taught at school or how we apply it, or a synonym to technology, or new discovery or invention. Science is the way we control our thinking. “If we were able to lead a scientific mind, we can decide right from wrong. That is critical since it relates to ethic.”
He stressed the importance of the learning environment, which should fuel the student’s interest in science. “Do what you love,” he said, “and the most efficient way get a job done is working in a team and be vocal about what you don’t understand.”
He urged to promote the cooperation of universities worldwide, removing the barriers between countries, thinking beyond personal interest so the world can live and grow in peace.
Professor Harold W. Kroto died on April 30th, 2016, in Lewes, East Sussex, UK, due to illness.
10. Professor Doughlas D. Sheroff

Professor Doughlas D. Osheoff was born on August 1st, 1945 in Washington State.
He obtained his doctorate in Physics from Cornell University in 1973. He was awarded Simon Memorial Prize from British Physics Academy. In 1980, he was awarded Oliver E. Buckley Condensed Matter Prize from American Physics Association for his co-discovery of helium-3.
Osheroff was a professor of physics in Stanford from 1993 to 1996 then stepped down to focus on his graduate students. At Stanford, Osheroff and his students continued to research solid and superfluid 3He. In addition, they developed a program to study the low temperature properties of amorphous solids. Professor Doughlas D. Sheroff was awarded third of the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of superfluidity in helium-3.
On December 14, 2012, in recognition of the reputation, and the contribution made to VNU University of Science and the education of Vietnam at large, the university was honored to confer on professor Doughlas D. Osheroff an honorary doctorate. At the ceremony, Doughlas expressed his gratitude and commitment to the cooperation of education, science, and technology of Vietnam. On behalf of Vietnam National University, Prof. Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan stressed the outstanding merit of the visits made by prestigious scholars, which promote talks, information exchange between cultures and societies, and broaden the understanding and trust globally. With his reputation and capability, Prof. Doughlas would inspire the interest of Vietnamese younger generation in science, as well as the understanding and cooperation between universities of Vietnam and the US. At the ceremony, he held the talk themed “How science evolved our life”. It was an extraordinary opportunity for the staff and students of VNU to discuss with the pioneering scientists of the world, expanding the cooperation network, sharing experience.
11. Professor Ngo Bao Chau

Professor Ngo Bao Chau was born on June 28th, 1972 in Hanoi. He was a student at High School for Gifted Students of VNU University of Science. In high school, he won two gold medals in International Mathematical Olympiads in the grades 11 and 12. He studied in Pierre and Marie Curie University then Ecole Normale Superiere in Paris from 1992 to 1994. In 1997 he received his doctorate from Paris 11 University. In 1998 he was a researcher in mathematics at the University of Paris-North.
He received his Habilitation degree in 2003 then was elected as a professor at the University of Paris-South in 2004. At the same time, he and Prof. Gerard Laumon were awarded the Clay Research Award for their achievement in solving the fundamental lemma for the case of unitary groups.
At the age of 33, he received the title of professor in Vietnam. In 2007, he worked at Université Paris-Sud and the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton. In 2008, he published his proof for the general case of Langlands fundamental lemma. By the end of 2009, The Time magazine selected his achievement as one of the ten scientific discoveries of the year. He was the first Vietnamese won Fields medal, regards as the Nobel Prize in mathematics, in 2010. In his speech at the ceremony, he shared “One day, you will study mathematics for your own interest, not because of richness or fame, nor because you want to prove something else.” He dedicated the medal to Vietnamese younger generation, as a symbol of belief, that eventually they would work their way to greatness.
Since 2010, he joined the Mathematics Faculty, at the University of Chicago. In 2011, he was assigned as the director of Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Hanoi, Vietnam. In April 2011, he was awarded French Legion of Honor. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society. In October 2013, he was the honor president of Vietnam National University Scientist Links at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Phung Xuan Nha. On December 12th, 2018, he received the 2016 Maurice Audin Prize in mathematics. In gratitude for the commitment and contribution of Prof. Ngo Bao Chau as a prestigious scientist, as well as a former student of High School for Gifted Students, VNU University of Science, the university conferred on him an honorary doctorate.