Honorary Doctors
Honorary Doctors

Honorary Doctors

Erasmus+ projects
Erasmus+ projects

Staff and Student Mobility
Staff and Student Mobility

International Workshops/Conferences
International Workshops/Conferences

Collaboration in Research
Collaboration in Research

Collaboration in Education
Collaboration in Education

Erasmus+ mobility programme Study at Universitat Politènica de València, Spain  2022-2023
Erasmus+ mobility programme Study at Universitat Politènica de València, Spain 2022-2023

Hallo! Hola! Hello! Xin chào! Erasmus+
Hallo! Hola! Hello! Xin chào! Erasmus+

I am Pham Vu Dong, 26 years old, from Vietnam. I am currently a Master student of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System at VNU University of Science.

6 months at Greifswald under Erasmus+ mobility program gave  me valuable experiences
6 months at Greifswald under Erasmus+ mobility program gave me valuable experiences

I am Nguyen Thien Phuong Thao - one of the two officers of the University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, on a exchange program at the University of Greifswald (Germany) under the Erasmus+ Mobility program. Although only 6 short months, the process of living and studying there has given me extremely valuable experiences, not only academically, but also experience and culture-wise, especially during the outbreak of Covid-19.

DDAD scholarship opens up opportunities to study in Germany
DDAD scholarship opens up opportunities to study in Germany

On January 21st, 2021, a seminar between the school board of VNU University of Science (VNU - HUS) and the Head of Regional German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Office in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar was held at VNU - HUS, Hanoi. All parties had a discussion on cooperation in postgraduate education and training, scientific research, and talent programs.

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