We collaborate with international universities, corporations, and organizations worldwide to host numerous conferences, workshops, and field trips. These events provide an excellent platform for academic interaction, idea exchange, and networking, while also enhancing the visibility of partner institutions and corporations within Vietnam's academic community and society at large.

Below is a list of selected events organized in 2024.

Name of Conference/Workshop Key Partner(s)
Advanced Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Interdisciplinary Professor Council of the Earth and Mining Sciences
Red River Dam Monitor: Training, Build and Launch STIMSON and Eye on the Earth
The Future of AI VinFuture
The second Asia-Pacific Enzyme Technology Symposium Amano Enzyme
Exhibition: Forest and Climate Change Spain Embassy Hanoi, University of Valladolid
Current status and need for environmental restoration of mining areas and appropriate technology adopting a circular economy approach ASEAN – Russian Federation Dialogue Partnership Financial Fund
Algebraic Topology and Related Fields VinIF
Impact of Organic Contaminants on Ecosystems and Human Health: Challenges and Solutions VinFuture
2024 Taiwan Semiconductor Job and Study Information Day DI, IEI, ICIE, III - Taiwan
Improving Enforcement of Turtle, Primate and Other Wild Life Trade Through Applying Conservation Genetics and Forensic Science German Primate Cente

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